8 out of 10 first year university students find it difficult to find balance in their lives. Isolation, financial problems, balancing study and work, living away from home all affect mental wellbeing.
At the same time it is becoming more difficult to access under resourced mental health services
After years of campaigning by mental health groups and student organisations Universities are beginning to realise that they need to invest money in the support
and services students need to flourish.
Universities UK In their ‘Step Change for Mental Health’ report argues that mental health must to be a strategic priority for Universities and their students.
Nottingham Trent University’s pilot project with studentminds on how this can happen provides a practical and useful guide to how University’s can achieve this.
The University of Birmingham has just announced that £2.5million will be spent over the next year on providing more well being and mental health services for students.
This investment has created new posts for dedicated staff,mental health and suicide training for University staff. It is also creating online guides and working with the Student Guild and Chaplaincy to provide the range of information and support that students need to ensure their well being as they study.