by Suresearch Admin | Jul 13, 2021 | Research
Suresearch member, Jo Barber writes: We are doing a qualitative research study investigating how religion and spirituality affect recovery from mental health problems and we are urgently looking for participants to help us. This work has been paused during the...
by Stephen Jeffreys | Feb 6, 2019 | Coproduction and involvement, Research
Invitation to evaluate service user and carer involvement in a NIHR funded research study on the Voluntary Sector contribution to mental health crisis care The University of Birmingham’s Health Service Management Centre (HSMC) is re-adverting for proposals for a...
by Stephen Jeffreys | Dec 10, 2018 | Coproduction and involvement, Research
HSMC ‘Invitation to evaluate service user involvement in a NIHR funded research study’ The University of Birmingham’s Health Service Management Centre (HSMC) is inviting proposals for a ‘service user led evaluation of the quality and impact of...
by Stephen Jeffreys | Nov 27, 2017 | Research, Suresearch
An article has just been published in the BMJ Open journal on this research being led by the University of Birmingham Health Service Management Centre, in partnership with Suresearch and others. The article, ‘Contribution of the voluntary sector to mental health...