History of Suresearch
Suresearch was formed, in 2000, by a partnership of academic staff and service users involved in teaching and research in the Department Social work at University of Birmingham.
For five years, until 2011, Suresearch worked closely with the Centre for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health, based in the specially designed accommodation in the Watson Building at University of Birmingham. The funding for CEIMH provided for a part time paid coordinator for Suresearch.
When the five-year funding for CEIMH came to an end, Suresearch members took on the administration of the group on a voluntary basis, but Suresearch retained an office base and use of meeting rooms in the School of Social Policy at University of Birmingham.
We hope to produce further written history of Suresearch’s work with CEIMH, but for now, you can hear about this in the videos below.
We have already published written accounts of the origins and history of our Suresearch members groups:
Suresearch Ten Year Celebration Videos
In 2010 Suresearch members who had been involved in the Suretech project produced a video to celebrate Suresearch’s ten years of existence. In it, members talk about the origins of Suresearch, their experiences as members, and some expectations for the future. It is available here via Youtube in two parts:
Part one:
Part two: